Wednesday, February 11, 2009

January 31-February 9

We spent the weekend of Jan. 31 in Keystone with a group of friends. Our friends Molly and Tom brought their 6 month old daughter Ella. She and Aaron had a really good time together! He decided that he really liked her pink ball, so I found him a blue one this week. (The kids held hands on their own.)

Aaron fell asleep on the floor wearing his bear suit.
He loves to read books with his babysitter's daughter. They live next door to us.
Our friends Ryan and Katie came over for dinner last week with their son who is two and their 11 week old daughter.
Aaron was hanging out with me while I cooked dinner.
Unfortunately, the pics end here because our house has had cooties since last Friday. Aaron and I have had the stomach flu and are almost fully recovered now! We managed to infect our friend Deron too. So far, Cooper has been very lucky but has had to work from home to play Mr. Mom to a sick little boy.


Christi said...

He gets cuter every time that I see him!

Lilyan said...

Jen and Cooper, the one of Aaron with the sitter's daughter----he really looks like he's enjoying the book!!!!!

the photo of him in his swing where his feet are touching the floor I think----my new "desktop" photo.