Monday, September 29, 2008

False Alarm # 1-Week 39

We were told to come into the hospital on Friday afternoon by the nurses on the phone. We spent several hours there, but were sent home to wait it out. Apparently, this could be a long process!

The weekend was spent with lots of walks, movies, and resting. When Cooper gets bored he cooks and bakes, so Mini-Cooper and I are well fed. :) We also drove up to the state park in Golden to take some pictures of the leaves changing on the Aspens. I started a scrapbook for the baby, which I clearly have a lot of help on from the cats.

Let's hope this baby decides t
o make his entrance soon. I have decided not to work anymore, but after his due date, I'm out of vacation days!

1 comment:

Lilyan said...

Jen, I enjoyed seeing these and reading your comments. And now Aaron is here!!!!! Love Tantsi